Sunday, June 22, 2014

movie time!!

How to train your dragon too was awesome!!

Last thursday, after school I took adam to watch movie.haha.dont care about the work load at school or unfinished house chores at home.those things can wait for me.huhu..

Not that adam like to watch movies but more to fulfill mama's addiction..I love watching movies.and I cannot do that at home.i cannot leisurely lie down in front of tv for 1 or 2 hours and just waching movie or drama series.firstly, adam will conquer the tv all the time.even he didnt watch it all the time, but the tv must play his Pororo.ALL THE TIME! Secondly, I just cant.i'll do other things.

That was my second attempt to watch movie with adam.the first movie was Rio.and we managed to survive 1 hour inside the cinema before adam becomw hyper and running and I went out and we missed the last 20 minutes of the movie.

For How To Train Your Dragon 2, adam sat still, feeling amused by the movie and he forgot to chew the popcorn inside his was fun.hehe..

My next target is to watch Transformer.soon. =)
Happy kid after watching the movie.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The choice is in your hand.

Whatever the situation is, we always have choices. It depends on us how to choose and react.
For example people who undergo divorce. True, we feel sad. But do you have to feel sad and down for years while person who hurt you are happy with someone else. No need to be so destructive towards yourself. Take your time to grieve, but don’t grieve too long. Move on as soon as you can.
I can cry all day long. But what’s the use of crying? So i go out, enjoy myself. I love myself and my life more than i love a person. And i just realize that i have lots of people who love me and care for me. Lots of people who don’t want to see me sad. so i choose to make them happy too.

Towards the end, i’m a happy person.

It's true that for some women who divorved, the responsibility or the burden become more. But try to think logically, in which situation we are able to think properly? when we're sad or when we're happy? Any choices made in these 2 different situation will lead to 2 different results.

to those who are in the same shoes as me, you have your own choices. either to continue crying and grieving and blaming, or start a new life that u wont regret. have fun. improve yourself. love people who are worth to be loved.

have a great day, adios.
These legs spent 3 days in a row for swimming, and 2 days in a row walking on the beach and many days at shopping complex accompanying mama for shopping. Just came back from 2 weeks of school holiday at KL and Kelantan.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cuti? 2 weeks je.

Alamak..mood blogging melimpah ruah.actually tengah tunggu kereta kat kedai basuh kereta.i should come here often.the windy weather here really inspire me to blog.hehe..

Cuti 2 minggu. Aku lupa bila aku berehat atau tidur siang.setiap hari penuh aktiviti.

Di Kelantan, aktiviti harian selalunye melayan Adam, buat kerja rumah, lawat nenda yang sedang uzur.n hobby baru, aku suka pergi pasar pagi.hahaha..ini bukan izza.mungkin dirasuk.sebelum ni, I mean waktu aku muda remaja dulu, pasar is a big  No No.haha.tak pernah wujud keadaan aku bangun pagi untuk ke pasar.

But now, aku suka bangun pagi pegi pasar.akukah ini? Cuti kali ni aku ke pasar hunting for durian. Drooling~~

Kalau bukan kerana durian, aku ke pasar hunting for fresh crabs or favourite.i love seafood.

Aku pergi pasar Wakaf Bharu on Friday, and also TEMAN at Tunjong. Cuti sebelum ni aku kerap ke Pasar Wakaf Che Yeh at night sebab ada orang teman. Ngee~

And also bila balik kelantan, aku suka cari tempat2 yang jual makanan sedap.tak kisah la either gerai or restaurants.
Durian dari TEMAN at Tunjong.



Seseorang.yang terus akan jadi seseorang sampai bila2, tiba2 add aku di Twitter.

Seseorang, yang sampai bila2 tetap memberikan aku heart attack.

Seseorang, yang sampai bila2 tetap akan membuat aku rasa bersalah.

Seseorang yang selalu aku bagitau students aku kenapa aku dapat result A2 untuk subjek Add Maths.

Haha..aku tak berani bayangkan kalau aku terjumpa dia di alam nyata.

Cukup dia kekal sebagai seseorang =)

aku mahu..

Hasrat ingin menulis buku.mungkin buku kisah hidup.atau mungkin juga buku motivasi.i want to inspire people through my book.kisah hidup aku, kalau ditulis rasanya akan jadi setebal kamus dewan.haha..

Mula mengumpul idea.sampai satu hari nanti, aku akan betul-betul tulis sebuah buku.ekeke..mode berangan.

Banyak betul hasrat aku.aku ingin travel seorang diri.tapi sampai hari ini masih belum berani.sebab keadaan yang sangat menakutkan di luar sana.

Apa lagi yang aku nak buat?

Tunggu la.ada idea nanti aku tulis lagi.