Sunday, April 27, 2014

my progress

For thing that happened to me, now I'm totally okay with it.
It's a good progress. I'm done with denial stage, grieving is acceptance must go on. The bitter experience change me to a better person.
I'm so proud of myself.seriously.
Of course the scars will always be there.but it taught me a lot about life.n I'm so grateful for the chance given to me.i'm still breathing.still alive. N the most important thing is I get the most wonderful person by my side, lil in this gambling called marriage, I'm not totally lost.i've won. =)

kegilaan baru

Haha.. tajuk pun sudah berbicara.banyak kegilaan baru akhir2 ni.kegilaan memasak sudah semakin pudar.sekarang masak simple2 je.kalau bizi trus tapau dari kedai.

Kegilaan pertama, organizing.lately, I love organizing.sume benda kalau boleh nak adalah organizer paling penting.then sistem filing untuk keje dan personal item.tapi bukanlah bermaksud aku suka mengemas.totally tetap bersepah jugak sebab ada walking machine yang tugasnye sepahkan barang, Lil Adam.

Kegilaan kedua, kembali kepada tabiat lama.cite korea.haha.. mengorek kembali koleksi2 crite korea.

Kegilaan, ini bukan baru.

Aku perlu kembali kepada kegilaan yang lama that is saving.huhu..